Post comment settings off, but comments for post “” are appearing in email.
Trying: updating WP_posts to – SET comment_status=”closed”; since this site is receiving no new posts.
Maybe it is trackback spam – try disabling that
Can remove or exit(): wp-comments file in root
Nov 19: Updating WP_Posts has effectively stopped all spam from the blog in question.
Update Jan 6, 2014: Another blog (WIQ) with a spam problem did not respond to the db update step. This blog had a custom login functionality (Theme My Login).
The process involved adding some code which logged the registration ip and page used for registration:
update_user_option( $user_id, ‘registration_ip’, $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] . ‘::ms-functions.php’, true );
The code was place anywhere that signup code existed (searched files for “wp_create_user( “) This revealed that a page was being hit by signup bots which was not being used in the legitimate signup process. After that it was a matter adding <?php exit(); ?> to the top of that page.